Tuesday 30 October 2012

Archan Joo

Archan Joo

Chakawan had invite Archan Joo(Saraburi/Thailand) to come over to 
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 476300 Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.


Archan Joo professional services.

1. Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
    佛牌 与 纹身加持

2. Blessing of Maha Lap. Boosting individual wealth, business & career 

3. Blessing of Maha Metta (Silika Lingtong). Come with Rotan Takrut

4. Maha Lersi blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth, 
    Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits and Protection.

5. Maha Lersi blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth, 
    Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits and Protection. Come with a custom 
    made Takrut with personal name chanted into it, also against 
    black magic.  
    鲁士灌顶 + 赠送刻名特制护身符管

Archan Joo himself is a Traditional Sak-Yant, Tattoo Master from Thailand, who is an old school tattoo practitioner.

Archan Joo craftsmanship

10th November 2012 



7th November 2012


6th November 2012



25th October 2012


Archan Joo 1st Batch Amulet

Pim Thong 金型 Gold Model

Pim Thong Deng 铜型 Cooper Model

Luang Phor Amnuay

LuangPhor Amnuay

  2,3,4th August 2013


Chakawan had invite Luang Phor Amnuay from Wat Saenasaram
student of Luang Phor Pinak to come to  The Summit Subang USJ 1,
 Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47300 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.

本号荣幸的邀请到Luang Phor Amnuay龙婆安恧于此和众信结善缘

Luang Phor Amnuay professional services.

1. Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
    佛牌 与 纹身开光

2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit. 
    To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.

3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the 
    six sense. Blessing come with Lai Tan.
    鲁士灌顶 + 赠送玄石水晶

4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
    供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主

5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection & 
   against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and 
   opening up the six sense.
    鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光

His services are available for the following dates.

Friday - 2nd Aug 2013
Saturday - 3rd Aug 2013
Sunday - 4th Aug 2013

Time : 2pm to 8pm


To remove jinx 驱除邪气

Wednesday 3 October 2012

Introduction to Siam Amulets

Siam amulets are often known to bring good luck. They are worn by people around their neck to protect themselves from trouble and to avoid bad luck and evil spirits. The most popular image on the Siam amulets is the figure of the Buddha. 

Siamese strongly believe in the power of Buddha and the people who wear these amulets are not only seeking for happiness, but also avoiding sorrows and misfortune. Besides normal protecting against evil spirits, Siam amulets are worn by many businessmen because of its power to increase business luck. There are many true stories of millionaires have their life changes after wearing Siam amulets. Most of Thai businessman in Thailand agrees the Siam amulets can really help their business to prosper.

Majority of Siamese believe Siam amulets can increase the charms of the wearer. The wearer will be more appealing and easily get them into a relationship. Hence relationship can be improved.
Authentic and genuine Siam amulets are made and prayed over by experience monks for a period of time, where the monk will insert certain magical elements to keep away bad spirits. With the magical element install, the amulet itself will able perform it duty to protect the wearer.

Mentality of wearing an amulet.

The effectiveness of the amulet: First of all it is the duty of the wearer to know, what type of amulet they are wearing. They also must understand, the amulet itself is not like other commercial product in the market which they can ask for refund after finding out, it is not effective.

The effectiveness of wearing amulet: Amulet is just a tool for human being to remind themselves the Buddha is always be with you, and do not do evil things. Why there are people out there who claimed that the amulet is not effective? This we need to understand more the attitude of this people towards wearing amulet.

Two type of scenario:
Scenario 1: A person wear amulet in hoping to develop and advance their own career job.
Scenario 2: A person wear amulet in hoping to do evil things and thought to others.

From the two scenario above, do you think by wearing amulet the wearer in scenario (2) will achieve his objective? Of course not, this is because in the Buddha teaching, one have to be humble, honest and be sincere in performing their daily work.
Using amulet to solve temporary issues.

It is a pity most people thinks by wearing the amulet, one can fix the problems (like a software application, got problem or bugs.. just load in a patch file and do some updating... Problem FIXED!!) when encountering problems like love relationship, financial problem and any other problems. By wearing the amulet and asking for blessing from Buddha, they thought the problem can fix by itself. 

Correct attitude when wearing an amulet.
  1. Never think by using the amulet it can solve your temporarily problems. After the problems solves, just treat the amulet like a piece of rock!
  2. The wearer must have respect for the amulet, and always remind itself not to do wrong doings.
  3. The wearer must have trust and faith in the amulet, hence it will show it effectiveness.
  4. The wearer of the amulet should not over demand or demand something with is ridicules. Like day dreaming to be a millionaire after wearing an amulet. Just need to remember this is real life, not a myth.
  5. The wearer must be a positive and a responsible person. He or She must always ask himself or herself, am I hardworking enough? Am I productive enough? Am I a better person or change to a better person? With this positive thinking, the amulet able to create chances or opportunity for the wearer, with this opportunity it is entirely up to the wearer to act on it.
  6. A wearer should not do something stupid, if they know it is wrong thing to do.

Wednesday 26 September 2012

Introduction to Tarot Card

The origin of the tarot card is a mystery, and commonly viewed as a tool for divination. A traditional tarot reading involves a seeker (someone who is looking for answers to personal questions) and a reader (someone who knows how to interpret the cards). After the seeker has shuffled and cut the deck, the reader lays out the chosen cards in a pattern called a spread. Each position in the spread has a meaning, and each card has a meaning as well. The reader combines these two meanings to shed light on the seeker's question.

Projection is one reason why the tarot cards are valuable. Their intriguing pictures and patterns are effective in tapping the unconscious. This is the personal aspect of the tarot card, but the cards also have a collective component. As humans, we all have certain common needs and experiences. The images on the tarot cards capture these universal moments and draw them out consistently. People tend to react to the cards in similar ways because they represent archetypes. Over many centuries, the tarot has evolved into a collection of the most basic patterns of human thought and emotion.

The power of the tarot comes from this combination of the personal and the universal. You can see each card in your own way, but, at the same time, you are supported by understandings that others have found meaningful. The tarot card is a mirror that reflects back to you the hidden aspects of your own unique awareness.

There is a message in everything...trees, songs, even trash...but only when we are open to perceiving it. The tarot cards convey many messages because of the richness of their images and connections. More importantly, tarot card readings communicate meaning because we bring to them our sincere desire to discover deeper truths about our lives. By seeking meaning in this way, we honor its reality and give it a chance to be revealed. 

Shop Address.
The Summit Shopping Mall, 
Subang USJ 1,
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor,
476300 Subang Jaya, Selangor

Business Hours from 2pm to 8pm

Consultation Fees : RM50

Call for appointment or walk in.
Contact Person :- Mr Aron Ong
Mobile number :- +6 010 336 5294