Archan Phochai
Chakawan had invited Archan Phochai
(former Monk from Wat PhoThikYan/Kelantan)
(former Monk from Wat PhoThikYan/Kelantan)
to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1, Lot S2-11,
2nd Floor, 47300 Subang Jaya, Selangor,
for Openning Blessing at Year 2011.
for Openning Blessing at Year 2011.
Openning Blessing开幕诵经加持仪式
Chakawan had invite Holy Axe Master LP.Soom from Thailand
to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1,
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
to provide his professional services.
to provide his professional services.
本号荣幸的邀请到斧头大师 LP.Soom龙婆松 于此和众信结善缘
Luang Phor Amnuay professional services.
1. Blessing
and Recharging of Siam
Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
佛牌 与 纹身开光
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense.
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
Archan Kor 阿占哥
& Archan Sin 阿占辛
Chakawan 1st Event had invited Archan Kor & Archan Sin
(from Urdon,Thailand) to come over to the shop in The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47300 Subang Jaya, Selangor,
for Open Ceremony at Year 2011.
(from Urdon,Thailand) to come over to the shop in The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47300 Subang Jaya, Selangor,
for Open Ceremony at Year 2011.
Remove Evil Spirit 驱邪气
Blessing for Mantra Tattoo 纹身加持
Archan Dean
Chakawan had invited Archan Dean (Mantra Tattoo Master) from Petburi/Thailand to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1,
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 476300 Subang Jaya, Selangor
to provide his professional services
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 476300 Subang Jaya, Selangor
to provide his professional services
Master Achan Dean professional services are as follows:
1. Mantra Tatto (Sak-Yant) 经文刺青
2. Insert Lek-Lai 注入玄石
10th June 2013
Chakawan had invite Archan Borey (Monk) from Wat Phra Angthit/Kampond Chernang, Cambodia to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
to provide his professional services.
to provide his professional services.
1. Mantra Tatto (Sak-Yant) 柬埔寨经文刺青
1. Mantra Tatto (Sak-Yant) 柬埔寨经文刺青
2. Golden Needle (Thong-Kham) 注入金针
for Protection 避险, Luck 好运, Wealth 财运 & Relationship 人缘运.
for Protection 避险, Luck 好运, Wealth 财运 & Relationship 人缘运.
3. Gold Leaf (Thong-Pey) 金符泊 for Good luck 好运 and Wealth 财运.
4. Robe donation (Sangkhathan) 供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主.
5. Special Amulet 特殊圣物
a) Phro-Shell 招财玲珑贝: Strongly attraction for Wealth and Relationship
b) Snake Tooth 蛇牙: Wealth Attraction and Against Danger
c) Special Tangkai 护身符管: Against Black Magic
6) (ThamBun) 超度婴灵
6) (ThamBun) 超度婴灵
His services are available on the following dates.
Tuesday - 11th June 2013
Wednesday - 12th June 2013
Thursday - 13th June 2013
Friday - 14th June 2013
Saturday - 15th June 2013
Sunday - 16th June 2013
Time : From 1.30pm to 8.30pm
7th June 2013
Chakawan had invite Archan Adrian/Samnak Lersi Narod to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600
Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.
Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.
本号荣幸的邀请到阿占 A于此和众信结善缘
师傅善于召请师公Lersi Narod 鲁士拿洛 与 taowetsuwan 桃威素湾
1. Recharging of Siam Amulet. 开光佛像
1. Recharging of Siam Amulet. 开光佛像
2. Blessing of Good luck. 加持扶运
3. Removing Negative Energy/Evil Spirit. 驱除邪气
4. Fortune Telling. 问卦
5. Chanting for Power of Protection, Wealth, Good relationship. 加持灌顶
6. Recharging the Mantra of Tattoo's owner 召唤纹身力量
His services are available on the following dates.
Friday - 7th June 2013
Saturday - 8th June 2013
Sunday - 9th June 2013
Time : 2pm for 1st session
6pm for 2nd session
29th May 2013
Chakawan had invite Long Phu Noi from Wat Tam Sing / Wat Serlomnao (Wat Long Pho Pinak) Saraburi, Thailand to come over to the shop in
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.
本号荣幸的邀请到 Long Phu Noi龙婆恧(来自瓦坛辛/洒喇普里,泰国)的老和尚
于此和众信结善缘,龙婆恧 师承于刀神LongPhor Dhem 与 幸运星LongPhor Pinak
如今也是LongPhor Pinak(瓦舍弄劳/泰国)的尊贵副主持
Long Phu Noi professional services:
1. Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet. 佛牌加持
1. Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet. 佛牌加持
2. Blessing of Maha Lap and Maha Metta for Business. 财运/人缘运
3. Blessing of Maha Metta (Lak Yong). 姻缘运
4. Robe donation. 供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主
5. Blessing of Long Phu Pinak special katta for Maha Lap. 三财运
6. Maha Lersi blessing for Maha Metta (Golden Face) 加持灌顶
7. Speical Cane blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth,
Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits & Protection.龙杖加持
8. Candle Blessing for changing and enhance luck. 转运蜡烛Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits & Protection.龙杖加持
His services are available on the following dates.
Tuesday - 28th May 2013
Wednesday - 29th May 2013
Thursday - 30th May 2013
Friday - 31st May 2013
Saturday - 1st June 2013
Sunday - 2nd June 2013
Monday - 3rd June 2013
Time : From 2pm to 9pm
29th March 2013
Chakawan had invite Long Pho Archan Phasit(Wat Cherloh, Bangkok)
and Long Pho Archan SongBoon(Wat Khong Hae,Hatyai),
both are experince Master to come to the shop in
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor,
47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
and Long Pho Archan SongBoon(Wat Khong Hae,Hatyai),
both are experince Master to come to the shop in
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor,
47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
本号荣幸的邀请到 Long Pho Archan Phasit龙婆阿占帕锡(来自瓦泽洛,曼谷)
Long Pho Archan SongBoon龙婆阿占宋浦(瓦贡赫,合艾)
Specially for Group Blessing on Wealth-Gain, Health, Good-Luck, Good-Relationship & Protection.
Date: 29/3 Fri - 30/3 Sat (2 Days only)
Time: 3pm, 5pm & 7pm. (Total 3 Sections)
Free Amulet will be given while stock last (1st come 1st serve).
Date: 29/3 Fri - 30/3 Sat (2 Days only)
Time: 3pm, 5pm & 7pm. (Total 3 Sections)
Free Amulet will be given while stock last (1st come 1st serve).
His services are available at the following dates.
Friday - 29th March 2013
Saturday - 30th March 2013
Time : 3pm, 5pm and 7pm
5th March 2013
Chakawan had invite Archan Dien Grand Student from Archan Chum Chakree to come to the shop in The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd
47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
Archan Dien professional services.
- Thai Traditional Tattoo.
- 3 pcs Gold leaf blessing
- 5 pcsGold leaf blessing
- Insert leklai for protection
His services are available at the following dates.
Tuesday - 5th March 2013
Wednesday - 6th March 2013
Thursday - 7th March 2013
Friday - 8th March 2013
Saturday - 9th March 2013
Sunday - 10th March 2013
Time : 2pm to 9pm
Archan Dien Craftmanship
2,3,4th August 2013
Chakawan had invite Luang Phor Amnuay from Wat Saenasaram, student of Luang
Phor Pinak to come to the shop in The Summit Subang USJ 1,
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya to provide the following services.
本号荣幸的邀请到Luang Phor Amnuay龙婆安恧于此和众信结善缘
Luang Phor Amnuay professional services.
1. Blessing
and Recharging of Siam
Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
佛牌 与 纹身开光
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense. Blessing come with Lai Tan.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense. Blessing come with Lai Tan.
鲁士灌顶 + 赠送玄石水晶
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
His services are available at the following dates.
Friday - 2 Aug 2013
Saturday - 3 Aug 2013
Sunday - 4 Aug 2013
Time : 2pm to 8pm
25th October 2012
Chakawan had invite Archan Joo(Saraburi/Thailand) to come over to
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya,
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya,
Selangor to provide his
professional services.
Archan Joo professional services.
1. Blessing
and Recharging of Siam
Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
佛牌 与 纹身加持
2. Blessing of Maha Lap. Boosting individual wealth, business & career
2. Blessing of Maha Lap. Boosting individual wealth, business & career
3. Blessing of Maha Metta (Silika Lingtong). Come with Rotan Takrut.
3. Blessing of Maha Metta (Silika Lingtong). Come with Rotan Takrut.
4. Maha Lersi blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth,
Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits and Protection.
5. Maha Lersi blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth,
Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits and Protection. Come with a custom
made Takrut with personal name chanted into it, also against
black magic.
鲁士灌顶 + 赠送刻名特制护身符管
5. Maha Lersi blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth,
Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits and Protection. Come with a custom
made Takrut with personal name chanted into it, also against
black magic.
鲁士灌顶 + 赠送刻名特制护身符管
Archan Joo himself is a Traditional Sak-Yant Tattoo Master from Thailand, who
is an old school tattoo practitioner.
His services are available on the following dates.
Thursday - 25th October 2012
Friday - 26th October 2012
Saturday - 27th October
Wednesday - 31st October 2012
Time : From 2pm to 9pm