Tuesday, 16 September 2014

Arjan Wichai was invited to Chakawan from 12th to 14th September 2014

Chakawan had invited Arjan Wichai, to the Summit Subang USJ, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor.

His professional services include:
1. Secret Golden Needle insertion
2. Secret White Cloth to bring new luck
3. Secret Candle Blessing for good luck
4. 9 pcs of Gold Leaf of Sivali Wealth Blessing
5. Master personal secret blessing.

Available at the following dates.

Friday - 12th September 2014
Saturday - 13th September 2014
Sunday - 14th September 2014

Time: 1pm - 9pm

Thursday, 1 May 2014

Archan Joop - 1st May 2014

Chakawan invite Archan Joop from Wat Nongthakhang /Korat, Thailand, to the Summit Subang USJ, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor.

The purpose of his visit is to collect funds to build a 3 storey high of Sivali Statue at the Temple..

His professional services:
1) Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet. 
2) Gold Leaf Blessing of Maha Lap and Maha Metta for Business. 
3) Robe donation.
4) Blessing of Maha Lersi XieSherMing (Tiger Face). 

5) Special blessing of NamMan Ngah MahaLap & Kongrapan (Good-Luck, Wealth, Against Evil Spirits/Sharp Object (Knife or other Weapon) for Protection), 

He is available at the following dates for 4 Days.

Wednesday - 30th April 2014 
Thursday - 1st May 2014
Friday - 2nd May 2014
Saturday - 3rd May 2014

Time: 1pm - 9pm


Wednesday, 22 January 2014

AC Joop

Chakawan invite AC.Joop from Wat Nongthakhang /Korat, Thailand, to the Summit Subang USJ, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor.

The purpose of his visit is to collect funds to build a 3 storey high of Sivali Statue at the Temple..

His professional services:
1) Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet. 
2) Gold Leaf Blessing of Maha Lap and Maha Metta for Business. 
3) Robe donation.
4) Blessing of Maha Lersi XieSherMing (Tiger Face). 

5) Special blessing of NamMan Ngah MahaLap & Kongrapan (Good-Luck, Wealth, Against Evil Spirits/Sharp Object (Knife or other Weapon) for Protection), 

He is available at the following dates for 4 Days.

Tuesday - 21st January 2014
Wednesday - 22nd January 2014
Thursday - 23rd January 2014
Friday - 24th January 2014

Time: 1pm - 9pm

Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Luang Phor Noi

Chakawan had invite Luang Phor Noi from Wat Tam Sing / Wat Serlomnao (Wat Luang Phor Pinak) Saraburi, Thailand to come over to the shop in 
The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47300 Subang Jaya,Selangor to provide his professional services.

本号荣幸的邀请到 Laung Phor Noi龙婆恧(来自瓦坛辛/洒喇普里,泰国)的老和尚
于此和众信结善缘,龙婆恧 师承于刀神Luang Phor Dhem 幸运星Luang Phor Pinak 如今也是Luang Phor Pinak(瓦舍弄劳/泰国)的尊贵副主持

Luang Phor Noi professional services:

1. Blessing and Recharging of Siam Amulet. 佛牌加持
2. Blessing of Maha Lap and Maha Metta for Business. 财运/人缘运
3. Blessing of Maha Metta (Lak Yong). 姻缘运
4. Robe donation. 供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主
5. Blessing of Long Phu Pinak special katta for Maha Lap. 三财运
6. Maha Lersi blessing for Maha Metta (Golden Face) 加持灌顶
7. Speical Cane blessing, included the following.Luck, Wisdom, Wealth, 
    Sixth Sense, Against Evil Spirits & Protection.龙杖加持
8. Candle Blessing for changing and enhance luck. 转运蜡烛

His services are available the following dates

Wednesday - 8th January 2014
Thursday - 9th January 2014
Friday - 10th January 2014
Saturday - 11th January 2014

Time: 2pm to 8pm