Saturday 7 December 2013

Archan Golf

Chakawan had invited Archan Golf (Lursi) to The Summit Subang, USJ, 
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya.


His services are available for the following dates.

Friday - 6th Dec 2013
Saturday - 7th Dec 2013
Sunday - 8th Dec 2013
Monday - 9th Dec 2013
Tuesday - 10th Dec 2013

Time : 1pm to 9pm
Archan Golf professional services:
(1)  Changing Luck 重生/改变运程
(2)  Blessing Baby Spirit 超度婴灵
(3)  Luck of Wealth 财运法事
(4)  Communicate with Kumanthong 古曼童金身通灵
(5)  13 Gold Leaf Blessing 十三张贵人金箔召运法
(6)  Golden Face Buddha(59 gold leaf) 金面佛起运法(59张金箔/全功能)
(7)  Golden Tangue 开金口(玲珑舌/增加权威说服力 ~适合政客/传销/售货/保险...)
(8)  Metta Oil Tattoo 人缘法油纹身/财气经咒纹身/权威力量纹身
(9)  Maha Seney/Loving Charm 姻缘和合法
(10) Remove Evil Spirit 辟邪赶鬼...


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