Monday 10 June 2013

Archan Adrian

Archan Adrian
阿占 A

Chakawan had invite Archan Adrian/Samnak Lersi Narod to come over to the shop in The Summit Subang USJ 1, Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47300 
Subang Jaya, Selangor to provide his professional services.

本号荣幸的邀请到阿占 A于此和众信结善缘
师傅善于召请师公Lersi Narod 鲁士拿洛 与 taowetsuwan 桃威素湾

Master Archan Adrian professional services:

1. Recharging of Siam Amulet. 开光佛像
2. Blessing of Good luck. 加持扶运
3. Removing Negative Energy/Evil Spirit. 驱除邪气
4. Fortune Telling. 问卦
5. Chanting for Power of Protection, Wealth, Good relationship. 加持灌顶
6. Recharging the Mantra of Tattoo's owner 召唤纹身力量

His services are available on the following dates.

Friday - 7th June 2013
Saturday - 8th June 2013
Sunday - 9th June 2013

Time : 2pm  for 1st session
          6pm for 2nd session

Chanting for Power of Protection 加持灌顶

Recharging the Mantra of Tattoo's owner 召唤纹身力量

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