Chakawan had invite Holy Axe Master LP.Soom from Thailand
to come over to the shop in The
Summit Subang
USJ 1,
Lot S2-11, 2nd Floor, 47600 Subang Jaya, Selangor
to provide his professional services.
to provide his professional services.
本号荣幸的邀请到斧头大师 LP.Soom龙婆松 于此和众信结善缘
Luang Phor Amnuay professional services.
1. Blessing
and Recharging of Siam
Amulet and Sak-Yant Tattoo.
佛牌 与 纹身开光
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
2. Blessing with Axe. To increase protection against evil spirit.
To remove jinx. Blessing come with takrut.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense.
3. Blessing of Maha Lersi. To improve Maha Metta and opening up the
six sense.
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
4. Robe donation. Perform karma cleansing.
供袈裟 -回向冤亲债主
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
5. Blessing with Holy Axe and Maha Lersi. To increase protection &
against evil spirit. To remove jinx. To improve Maha Metta and
opening up the six sense.
鲁士灌顶 + 神斧开光
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